The electronic toll system in the Slovak Republic was developed for a network of the specified sections of motorways, expressways and lower-category roads in the total length of 17 611.2 kilometres. It was the longest network of lower-category roads in the European Union. |
The electronic toll system in the Slovak Republic achieved the highest efficiency of toll collection right after the first year of operation - 98.99%. |
We completely built and commissioned a satellite electronic toll system in the Slovak Republic in just 11 months. |
Thanks to the SkyToll system of electronic vignettes, the government expenses decreased by up to 60% in the Slovak Republic. |
In the Czech Republic, together with CzechToll, we carried out the world's first generational replacement of the toll system under full operation of the original system, without traffic or other restrictions. |
Investments in the new toll system were returned to the Czech Republic in the form of significant savings from operation and increased toll collection already in the first year of the system operation. |
SkyToll, a.s. introduced and adheres to the Integrated Management System (hereinafter “IMS”) according to the requirements of the following ISO standards:
The above certificates were issued by Certicom s.r.o.
In 2015, SkyToll received the 2015 Global Road Achievement Award, given annually by the International Road Federation to private and public companies as well as organizations for their outstanding contribution to the development of road-transport. SkyToll received the award in the category of “transport management and intelligent transport systems” for a project of expansion of the scope of the Slovak ETC system in 2014.
1 International Road Federation (hereinafter referred to "IRF") is a non-government and non-profit organisation with headquarters in Alexandria (Virginia, USA) founded in 1948 and represented in 117 countries of six continents. Its mission is to encourage and support the development and maintenance of better, safer and sustainable roads. IRF studies, collects and shares information in the most significant areas of the road infrastructure development including construction and maintenance of roads, their funding and road traffic safety. It plays a significant role in all aspects of road policy and development. Its respectable World Road Statistics (WRS) serves as the basis for the World Bank.
With our solution designs we build upon the symbiosis of state-of-the-art, globally recognised and in-the-long-run-progressive technologies or practices and complex professional competencies as well as services provided by our experts. In design, development and operation we emphasise profitability as well as solution quality. As a matter of fact, we know that the price/quality ratio comes first with highly demanding contracting authorities. We do not need an outdated, complicated and environmentally non-friendly infrastructure, the construction of which is costly and time demanding and whose operation is unreasonably expensive. On the contrary we exclusively use new technologies, which allow us to integrate new solutions corresponding with the needs of a contracting authority into existing and by-operation-verified systems, which save time needed for their development and are cost efficient.
We are able to solve the new requirements of a contracting authority with maximum flexibility. We will simply add a new system or a service required to the existing solution. We never accept anything without a purpose or being redundant.